Severe Weather Emergency Preparedness
What should you do to prepare?
Don’t wait. Prepare now.
Make a Plan and have a Plan ‘B’. Who to call? Where to meet if separated.
Discuss your plan with your family
Practice your plan with your family
Secure all loose objects
DO NOT fill your refrigerator with food. If you lose power you may lose your food!
Purchase non-perishable food
Make sure you have a manual can opener
Keep extra water on hand
Keep cell phones and other devices charged
Make sure you have flashlights and batteries
If you have a sump pump make sure it is operational
Fill your vehicle with gas now to avoid long lines
If you plan to stay with loved ones during the storm…go before the storm
Make sure you register to receive our emergency notifications
Register loved ones with special needs. Help us help you.
Stay tuned to the news and NOAA Weather for up to date weather information
What you should not do:
Do not wait until the last minute to prepare
Do not go outside during the storm
Do not go for a walk during the storm
Do not go to the river to see how high it is during the storm
Do not drive through floodwater
Do not drive around to look at storm damage
Do not call emergency numbers to ask about the storm. Only call for true emergencies.
Do not call to be evacuated during the storm unless it is an emergency. This may seem obvious but we received calls during the last two storms to transport people to friends or families’ houses during the storm. This puts EVERYONE at risk. Go before the storm.
Emergency Preparedness Resources:
Beverly City Office of Emergency Management
NJ Office of Emergency Management
Burlington County Office of Emergency Management
PSE&G Outage and Storm Information
ReadyComm OEM Information
Pet Emergency Planning
NJ Special Needs Registry